Animal Welfare and Tourism

animal welfare and tourism 

Selfies with bears in chains or petting lion cubs? Animal welfare should not stop on holiday!


Other countries, other customs – that's one of the great things about being on holiday. However, bear in mind that animal welfare standards abroad can often be lower than at home. What at first glance might appear to be an appealing tourist attraction or a culinary delicacy is often connected to pain and distress for the animals involved.

FOUR PAWS has advice about how to be considerate towards animals abroad and make sure that your holiday is animal-friendly.

Animal welfare and tourism: animal suffering on holiday

did you know that...

...many tourist destinations have very low animal welfare standards? South Africa, lions kept for breeding are very likely to end up as targets for trophy hunting or killed for their bones? And that as young animals they were abused on petting farms as tourist attractions?

...most animals in the tourism industry suffer in miserable living conditions?

...there are are not only dancing bears but also 'selfie bears' and restaurant bears?

Bears Amelia and Meimo at Arosa Bear Sanctuary

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